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Top 5 Emerging Cell Site Trends

Friday, August 19th, 2011

After decades of rapid growth in both the construction of new cell sites (towers and rooftop sites) and in the tower ownership industry, we are entering into mature market phase.  Even the major tower companies acknowledge – by action if not by words – that the days of double digit growth in the domestic market are over.  They are settling into the comfortable world of REIT corporate ownership structures while moving into international markets to find new…

Embrace the Waiting

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Many folks in the wireless industry are worn out by waiting.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Waiting for something to happen can be exhausting.  The due diligence is done.  The contract may even be in place.  Certainly, there is a need, and you are perfectly positioned to meet that need.  But nothing is happening. It is nornal to be anxious as the days pass by and projects do not start.  You are ready to work.  You…

LightSquared & Sprint:The New Odd Couple

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

Bloomberg reported June 18 that Sprint and LightSquared finally ink the highly anticipated Radio Access Network (RAN) share pact. This agreement should signal the start of the Sprint Network Vision upgrade program as well as an acceleration in the LightSquared network deployment. The value of the deal is estimated at $20 billion over 15 years which explains why the parties have taken their time to get the agreement done correctly.  This pact pares a conservative Sprint…

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