Sell Tower » Signals » Archives

Is It Time to Sell Your Cell Tower?

Friday, June 29th, 2018

According to Tom Engel, Director at Strategic Tower Advisors, now is a good time to sell your cell towers.  What is his reasoning and what do the experts at SellTower Consulting recommend? Engel asserts that the market for cell tower assets has reached it peak, and can valuations can only drop from these lofty levels.  Here are the reasons that valuations will head lower: Interest rates are rising and expected to continue rising as the economy…

Telecom’s “Top 10” Hot Topics for Summer

Thursday, June 14th, 2018

With Summer arriving, the temperature is not the only thing heating up.  The Telecom industry is once again entering a period of increased network deployments along with increased M&A activity.   Here are the Top 10 telecom industry topics on the minds of SellTower’s customers this Summer: Will T-Mobile be allowed to acquire Sprint this time or will the regulators and antitrust watchdogs intervene? Do wireless carriers need more spectrum or can 5G solve their projected…

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