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Top 5 Emerging Cell Site Trends

Friday, August 19th, 2011

After decades of rapid growth in both the construction of new cell sites (towers and rooftop sites) and in the tower ownership industry, we are entering into mature market phase.  Even the major tower companies acknowledge – by action if not by words – that the days of double digit growth in the domestic market are over.  They are settling into the comfortable world of REIT corporate ownership structures while moving into international markets to find new…

Interfering with LightSquared: Part 2

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Summary: Right at the pitch of the anti-LightSquared fervor, the FCC approved LightSquared’s plan to deploy 4G services.  As I predicted, the concerns of government agencies and other carriers about the potential for LightSquared transmissions to interfere with GPS antennas were dismissed by the FCC.  LightSquared is free to deploy its nationwide 4G network.  Now the real work begins. Analysis: Several government agencies, including the Department of Defense, formally communicated their concerns about GPS interference from…

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