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8 Technology MEGATRENDS for 2018

Thursday, October 5th, 2017

It’s never too early to look ahead and see the forest through the trees.  Upon rejoined the consulting world 6 months ago, I have been exposed to a whirlwind of information about new and emerging technology in the telecom sector.  Below are the eight technology megatrends that have captured my attention.  I define a MegaTrend as a long term, macro trend that drives permanent changes in customer experience, service delivery, and network infrastructure.  So, without further ado… 8 MegaTrends…

Embrace the Waiting

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Many folks in the wireless industry are worn out by waiting.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Waiting for something to happen can be exhausting.  The due diligence is done.  The contract may even be in place.  Certainly, there is a need, and you are perfectly positioned to meet that need.  But nothing is happening. It is nornal to be anxious as the days pass by and projects do not start.  You are ready to work.  You…

The Genius of the Gerson Lehrman Group

Saturday, May 14th, 2011

A few of you have asked me about the new GLG Scholar badge on the SellTower website.  What better way to answer than to use my blog to tell you about the Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG). The GLG business model is to provide an online forum to connect those with needs for specific information or technical understanding with the experts in the industry in question.  The largest group of GLG customers are investors such as venture capitalists, asset…

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