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Revisiting Our 8 Telecom Megatrends for 2018

Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

Before assembling the SellTower Telecom Megatrends for 2019, I took one last look at the Eight Telecom Megatrends for 2018 to assess the industry’s progress in each area.  As a reminder, a Megatrend is a trend that is large, long term, and that drives a permanent change in behavior. Ever growing network use and resulting capacity exhaust Thanks to the proliferation of LTE, all of the smarter and faster smartphones and apps, and growing trend of…

8 Technology MEGATRENDS for 2018

Thursday, October 5th, 2017

It’s never too early to look ahead and see the forest through the trees.  Upon rejoined the consulting world 6 months ago, I have been exposed to a whirlwind of information about new and emerging technology in the telecom sector.  Below are the eight technology megatrends that have captured my attention.  I define a MegaTrend as a long term, macro trend that drives permanent changes in customer experience, service delivery, and network infrastructure.  So, without further ado… 8 MegaTrends…

FirstNet Network Puzzle Solved!

Monday, October 6th, 2014

Having spent almost all of 2013 as the network procurement lead at FirstNet, I became both an avid supporter of the FirstNet mission and humbled by the complex environment in which FirstNet must succeed.  With almost a year to reflect on the situation and assessing emerging technologies, I am ready to provide the Dolislager Plan for FirstNet. Let’s start with the problem.  How does FirstNet quickly provide a nationwide, interoperable, self-sustaining wireless network with its only…

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